Schedule changes and timetable for Mendenhall Mall Express effective Nov. 23

November 20, 2020

Schedule changes for Capital Transit effective Nov. 23

Capital Transit is implementing the following schedule adjustments effective Monday, November 23 until further notice:

  • All time points for the temporary Express service between the Downtown Transit Center (DTC) to the Mendenhall Mall will be 5 minutes earlier for all stops.
  • The morning commuter service starting from Auke Bay at 7:10 a.m. will have earlier time points starting from the Nugget Mall.
  • The Route 1 Douglas and Route 3 and 4 Valley buses will now leave the Downtown Transit Center 5 minutes later than the scheduled time.

All other time points for these routes are unchanged. See the timetables for Mendenhall Mall Express here.

Fore more information, contact Capital Transit at 789-6901.