How do I find out more information on Capital Transit’s nondiscrimination obligations?
If you need to find out more about our nondiscrimination obligations, please review our Title VI Program Policy or contact us at (907) 789-6901.
What is Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color and national origin in programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance.
Capital Transit, the City and Borough of Juneau is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in, or denied the benefits of its transit services on the basis of race, color, or national origin, as protected by Title VI in Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Circular 4702.1.B. If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination under Title VI, you may file a complaint.
How to file a Title VI Complaint?
Nondiscrimination ADA Complaint Form and Procedures
If you have a complaint about the accessibility of our transit system or service, or believe you have been discriminated against because of your disability, you can file a complaint. Please provide all facts and circumstances surrounding your issue or complaint so we can fully investigate the incident.
You may file a signed, written complaint up to one hundred and eighty (180) days from the date of alleged discrimination. The complaint should include the following information:
- Your name, mailing address, and how to contact you (i.e., telephone number, email address, etc.)
- How, when, where and why you believe you were discriminated against. Include the location, names and contact information of any witnesses.
- Other information that you believe is significant
The complaint must be filed in writing with Capital Transit, the City and Borough of Juneau at the following address:
Deputy City Manager
Capital Transit, the City and Borough of Juneau 155 Heritage Way
Juneau, AK 99801
NOTE: Capital Transit, the City and Borough of Juneau encourages all complainants to certify all mail that is sent through the U.S. Postal Service and/or ensure that all written correspondence can be tracked easily. An original, signed copy of the complaint must be mailed to the Title VI Coordinator as soon as possible, but no later than 180 days from the alleged date of discrimination. Learn more about the Title VI Complaint Procedure.
What happens to my complaint after it is submitted to the Title VI Coordinator?
All complaints alleging discrimination based on race, color or national origin in a service or benefit provided by Capital Transit will be directly addressed. The Title VI Coordinator shall also provide appropriate assistance to complainants, including those persons with disabilities, or who are limited in their ability to communicate in English. Capital Transit, the City and Borough of Juneau shall make every effort to address all complaints in an expeditious and thorough manner.
In instances where additional information is needed for investigation of the complaint, we will contact you in writing. Please note that in responding to any requests for additional information, failure to provide the requested information may result in the administrative closure of the complaint.
How will your complaint be handled?
Capital Transit investigates complaints received no more than 180 days after the alleged incident. Capital Transit will process complaints that are complete. Once a completed complaint is received, Capital Transit will review it to determine if Capital Transit has jurisdiction.
Capital Transit will generally complete an investigation within 90 days from receipt of a complaint. If more information is needed to resolve the case, Capital Transit may contact you. Unless a longer period is specified by Capital Transit, you will have ten (10) days from the date of the request to send the requested information. If the requested information is not received, Capital Transit may administratively close the case. A case may also be administratively closed if you no longer wish to pursue it.
After an investigation is complete, Capital Transit will send you a letter summarizing the results of the investigation, stating the findings and advising of any corrective action to be taken as a result of the investigation. If you disagree with the determination, you may request reconsideration by submitting a request in writing to the transit director within seven (7) days after the date of Capital Transit’s letter, stating with specificity the basis for the reconsideration. The director will notify you of the decision either to accept or reject the request for reconsideration within ten (10) days. In cases where reconsideration is granted, the director will issue a determination letter to the complainant upon completion of the reconsideration review.
How will I be notified of the outcome of my complaint?
The Title VI Coordinator will send a written response to you. The response will advise you of your right to 1) appeal within 7 calendar days of receipt of the final written decision, and/or 2) file a complaint externally with the Alaska Community Transit or the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration. Every effort will be made to respond to Title VI complaints within 60 working days of receipt of such complaints, if not sooner.
In addition to the complaint process described above, a complainant may file a Title VI complaint with the Alaska Community Transit or the Federal Transit Administration:
Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
Alaska Community Transit
PO Box 112500
Juneau, AK 99801
TTY: Relay Alaska 1-800-770-8255
Federal Transit Administration
Office of Civil Rights
Attention: Title VI Program Coordinator
East Building, 5th Floor – TCR
1200 New Jersey Ave., SE
Washington, DC 20590